Alana Holloway

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S3E11: 5 Things I’m Focussing On To Support a Joyful, Calm and Progressive Winter of My Chronic Illness

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How can you really lean into this winter and allow it to support you?

So much growth happens - and is totally possible - during the winter of your chronic illness, but when you look at your body and see that your chronic illness is more active (which is a characteristic of winter), it can be really easy to think of stagnation, degradation and feel like you’re taking steps backwards. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.  

There is so much growth that happens, but it’s more beneath the surface. It’s at a core, foundational level and provides such a well-established springboard come late spring/summer.

Planning for the winter of your cycle gets to flip the way you experience winter on its head; you get to look forward to it as time when you regenerate and recuperate and when you pay into the bank of yourself and your body.

Although our history tells us a lot about what we might expect in any season, it’s important to keep a beginners mindset. No two seasons are the same and the way I work with my chronic illness has resulted in it being calmed and soothed gradually over time, which looks like a reduction in symptoms. And so whilst those things that I’ve experienced in the past might be true, they also might happen to a lesser degree, or barely at all. 


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