S2E3: with Sasha : On Perceived Weaknesses Being Our Biggest Strengths.

Sasha and I both arrived to this recording with blankets on our knees, settling into the darker evening, and the Embers of the year (reference to Sasha’s Embers workshop).

Sasha has been sharing her words with us since 2020, and although she’s been writing is some form since the age of 8, she only started calling herself a writer last year - a rebellious act against her self-doubting nature.  She's an avid journaler and lover of words, who wants to use them to challenge the negative narratives that women can have about themselves. She does this through what she calls #RemindHers. Little notes of thought dotted around the internet to remind women (including herself) of what has always been there: the core things within us that light us up and guide us towards the lives we want to live. The things that can be shrouded by responsibility, shoulds, engrained narratives and self-doubt. 

We connect on many levels, which perhaps are rooted in making moves towards find our own way in life, using what would be perceived in mainstream society as disadvantages, as our superpowers.



5:54 - The fallout of living with a chronic illness and doing through self-doubt

9:52 - What happens when you decide ‘no more’?

13:02 - Working with outer accountability and intrinsic motivation

14:48 - Data and labels; how in one hand they can be limiting but also/sometimes helpful (reference Gretchen Rubin’s 4 tendencies).  Using data/labels/information to work with yourself, not against yourself.

19:26 - Using a practice to remove yourself from the productivity of something

22:00 - Embracing all of what makes you, you, leading to freedom, joy, ‘success’, happiness and is HEALING!

31:12 - Why “permission slips” aren’t as helpful as intended

33:00 - Are you checking in with yourself to check the things you’re doing are the things you want to be doing, that align with you today?

37:04 - On being ‘ready’.

37:26 - Journalling throughout life and reflecting back

39:13 - On life being a practice, not a tick box exercise

What happens in the ‘after’ and not living life in the recesses of time


S2E4: with Sarah Baxter : On Inviting Curiosity and Play Into The Healing Process.


S2E2: with Lucy Victoria Jackson : On Being Enough.