S2E7 : with Tati Skomski : Is Your Chronic Illness Holding You Back, Or Is It The Fear Of Giving Up The Fight?

It’s no secret that I choose to embrace my chronic illness as my ally and superpower, rather than think of it as something I need to fight, and this is where Tati and I meet minds.  The way we approach life when we allow ourselves to work with our chronic illness rather than against it, is the difference between freedom and empowerment, and restriction and control.

Tati is a chronic illness business coach and mentor who specialises in helping chronic illness CEOs build 6 figure+ online businesses without sacrificing their health. As someone who has built a multiple six-figure business and lives with chronic illness herself, she believes that your chronic illness can be seen as your superpower inside of your business and life.

Now, whilst the talk of making six-figures may not be you jam, I think it’s so important to share that part of Tati’s story.  When living with chronic illness, it’s easy to think that your life will be limited and that you won’t be able to reach the heights that people who don’t live with chronic illness, can.  Tati is proof that that just isn’t true, and I love that she’s a living, breathing, healthy example of the kind of life you can create when you create your own narrative around how you want to live with your chronic illness.



Instagram - @thetatiskomski


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5:50 - Our shared philosophy around how our chronic illness can be our superpower by working with them, not against.

7:43 - Tati’s journey to becoming a chronic illness business coach

18:15 - the difference in being called to self-employment by your chronic illness, and being forced to become self-employed because of your chronic illness

18:51 - The change in mindset of pushing through your chroinc illness to not pushing through, and the short/long term impact of the ‘push mentality’

19:32 - Being mindful not to repeat working patterns from ‘employed’ work when you’re self-employed, and prioritising your health

26:53 - The foundations of running a business when you have a chronic illness (and for anyone else!) needs to be fundamentally taking care of your health.

28:17 - Are we - as people who live with chronic illness - at a higher risk of falling into hustle mode because we feel like we have something to prove?  …The importance of rewiring our brains away from that way of thinking.

33:30 - The self-fulfilling prophecy/validation of unhealthy narrative towards your chronic illness.

34:45 - Don’t let thinking you’re not ‘normal’ be the thing that stops you accepting who you are and what your unique makeup is.  Normal doesn’t exist!

37:55 - The design of social media and how it can remove us from our truth.

40:58 - Feeling confident in telling your story.

42:15 - Finding yourself after diagnosis

47:45 - Having a choice over how we view our chronic illness.

52:15 - Giving up the fight against your chronic illness to regain your energy, power and life.

55:15 - It’s not your chronic illness that’s holding you back, it’s the fear of giving up the fight.

58:01 - How Tati views her chronic illness as her superpower


S2E8 : with Leah Sian Davies : Inner Safety As A Foundation Of Healing.


S2E6 : with Sophie Carefull : The Importance of Self Compassion in Growth and Healing.